

My son was born on August 11, 2014. It was a terrifying birth experience. I had originally planned to have meditation and spiritual music on as I enjoyed my birthing process and that didn’t go exactly as planned.

Unfortunately I was diagnosed with Preeclampsia a few weeks before I gave birth which was causing dangerous swelling as well as dangerous blood pressure changes. I was admitted to stay in the hospital a week before he was born. I was on strict bed rest and was really worried about myself and my son. I was in the hospital waiting for his lungs to develop and then they would induce me. On August 11th I was induced and all was well until my husband noticed my son’s heart beat was dropping during the process of waiting for my cervix to dilate. He called the nurse in and about 5 minutes later there was complete panic and chaos in my room and they took me into the operating room for an emergency C Section.

The most traumatizing thing is that this happened very quickly my son was cut out surgically and he was fine and I was so grateful. Me on the other hand could actually feel the whole operation. I did have an epidural but for some reason it was not turned up high enough and I was in so much pain. I remember screaming it hurts! I can feel it! It was a horrible and heartbreaking experience. Being the zen person that I am….I had a hard time accepting that this was really happening. I really think that I developed PTSD from that whole experience. Luckily I was able to heal that experience using my healing tools.

After my sons birth I was so exhausted…like beyond exhausted. During the day we would have a nanny come and stay with him for 4 hours so that I could sleep because I felt like a zombie. I still was tired all of the time…but it was time to go back to work. I thought it was just being a new parent and business owner and I would get over it. The problem is that I never did. I felt constantly tired all of the time…even if I slept at night. I felt like this was strange and my intuition told me that something wasn’t right. I also was having really negative and depressed thinking about my life, about being a mom, and about my birthing experience. I kept questioning if I was having post partum depression.

I had been diagnosed with PCOS so I started on some treatments with a holistic MD for that…and it didn’t seem to help. Now looking back that was not the correct diagnosis. The PCOS diagnosis led me to look into herbs and natural treatments. I found one that was highly recommended and it is called berberine. I started taking about 500 mg 3 times a day. About 3 days after starting it my brain cleared up, my fatigue got better, and I was not having any negative thoughts. I thought what the hell is going on here? I was so confused, but grateful for feeling better. I then read about colostrum helping with energy and I thought alright i’ll try that! Again I was better and it helped me a lot! I was taking about 4-6 scoops a day and I was feeling so much better.

After a stressful out of state move I was feeling not too hot. I decided to seek medical care here in the Austin, Texas area. I was still taking my berberine and colostrum but started having more strange symptoms like stomach swelling, severe food allergies with swelling, and severe fatigue again. Luckily I found an amazing Dr. named Dr. Wallace Taylor who focuses on stealth infections. I didn’t know that when I made the appointment with him!

Dr. Taylor spoke with me and said that we needed to check for stealth infections and get a full picture on my blood levels. He thought I may have Epstein Barr or Lyme’s Disease. He was right! Bingo!!!!! Epstein Barr Virus it was!! Holy shit I knew what was going on with me what a relief. He also said he could treat me at his clinic with IV therapy and a machine called the UVLRX which is a uv light IV. The good news is that I was already on all the right supplements thank God for my intuition and muscle testing techniques. He just had to add on some thyroid medicine because although my thyroid numbers were in normal range I was having hypothyroid symptoms. He also had to put me on some bio identical progesterone because apparently when in times of stress your body eats up progesterone and that can cause another host of problems like poor sleep, chronic inflammation, and obesity.

When my blood work came back I was relieved and also very scared. It showed my immune system was also not working properly. My cd57 natural killer cells were super low. So low that he said I had the immune system of an AIDS patient and that I should be tested for AIDS. I did get the AIDS blood test and that was negative. I have learned now that Epstein Barr Virus attacks your immune system and can attack your natural killer cells.

Remember the berberine and colostrum? Well as it turns out berberine is anti viral, anti fungal, and anti bacterial! As for colostrum…it heals leaky gut, allergies, and has tons of antibodies in it that kill off infections!!! Wow who knew! I was so lucky to be guided to use those. My Dr. was actually impressed by what I was already taking.

Thinking about the past…I had another holy shit moment! In November 2013 I started to experience extreme fatigue where I felt I couldn’t function. My neuro function was not right and something wasn’t right at the time. That same month I became pregnant with my son. What I discovered is when you are pregnant your body’s immune system down regulates to protect the pregnancy. So yes a virus like EBV could absolutely attack me during my pregnancy. I also did some research and read that EBV can trigger preterm labor! Wow.

In 2010 I also was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Through some spritual healing work that I did it went completely away. I was pain free which was a miracle. My Dr. told me that EBV can cause fibromyalgia! Who knew? Unfortunately I had seen a Western MD and I was never tested for it at the time.

In 2006 I went through a period of being really tired and sleeping a lot! It eventually went away…but I think this is the first time the EBV was active for me. I also had pre cancerous cells show up on a pap smear as well as having to get an emergency appendectomy operation. I feel that Epstein Barr was attacking my immune system then and that caused the infection in my appendix as well as the pre cancer cells to show up. If my immune system was working properly those things would have never happened.

As far as the PCOS…that diagnosis was incorrect. My abnormal cycles, hormone issues, and blood sugar issues were all from EBV. EBV was messing with my hormones, thyroid, and my mitochondria! It caused me to have mitochondrial dysfunction…which caused fatigue and well as blood sugar dis regulation. When you have mitochondrial dysfunction it can also cause weight issues. Every time I reactivate with EBV I can put on about 40-50 pounds in a very short amount of time.

No post partum depression after evaluation with a medical professional. It turns out the depression and negative thinking was caused by neuro inflammation. That was from the Epstein Barr Virus.

My stomach swelling went down after treatment and my allergies disappeared. I haven’t had any issues since. Dr. Taylor also thought it was connected to the EBV.

Currently I am beating my Epstein Barr. I’m in treatment and I am getting so much better every day. I trusted my gut and I fought for myself and my health. There were times when I didn’t know if I could make it and was scared to be a mom, but I knew I was strong and I would figure it out! I cried a lot! I was angry a lot! It has been a really hard experience.

The good news is that I have been recovering really quickly. I have been struggling for almost 3 years now with a reactivation of Epstein Barr…but after my intensive treatment plus my supplements and energy healing I’m almost full recovered in 90 days. I started feeling awesome after 60 days.

Somehow my spiritual gifts amplified even more during this process. My medical intuitive readings are more on point than they have ever been before, healing sessions are even more in depth, and I seem to be working with a lot of chronically ill people which is totally okay with me. I love helping people, especially those who have chronic illnesses.

Have hope and don’t ever give up on yourself! I hope this can help you or someone you love in some way. Praying for you always!