
10 Very Important Things I Learned About Myself and Life By Having Chronic Epstein Barr Virus


1. If you think positive then you will have better experiences. If you think negative you will have not so positive experiences. I noticed that the days where I consciously chose to be positive even if I didn’t have all of the answers…those days were full of hope and I didn’t feel as sick or tired. The days where I was angry or upset seemed to continue with a lot of exhaustion. The way that I decided my day would go…had a huge impact on the way I was feeling physically.


2. I realized how brave I was. From drinking many ounces of silver to putting adapters into my arm with uv lights. My arms and veins were literally so sore from iv’s. I continued working even though I was fighting for my life and my neuro function to be back while having a new marriage and a new baby. Damn that is brave.


3. I realized that life is short. Enjoy your life, enjoy your family, love your career, love your life! I couldn’t fully live my life for over two years and I realized how much I missed life and living. Each moment of our lives is a gift. I will never sacrifice my personal happiness in any area of my life…because it’s not worth it.


4. I really don’t give a flying f what people think anymore. I received judgment from family and friends about what was going on with my life and my health.  Ignorance about Epstein Barr virus is rampant and that is so sad. Sometimes you have to be your own advocate and I do realize that can make you stronger.


5. My husband is an amazing human being. He has been so supportive and loving to me. I learned to cherish him so much because he has been such a great support and I don’t know what I would do without him. He fought for my life with me and I am eternally grateful to him for that. He also called me out when I was having “negative thinking.”


6. People’s true colors always come out when you are in a time of need. When you are sick and your friends don’t check on you, don’t take the time to text, and don’t take the time to care. They are not your friends. That energy is toxic and unsupportive. Having supportive people around you when you are very ill is key. I’ve been blessed to connect with some very supportive human beings.


7. Having a victim and poor me mentality only makes matters worse. When EBV hit me my career as an intuitive & healer was climbing and I was working on being on tv. Everything halted when I realized how unwell I really was. Tv ended up not working out and I declined physically. I had felt like I lost my career, but I realize that I did it once, I can do it again. I’m not a victim at all. I’m kick ass at what I do and I will bring many opportunities into my life again. In fact, I already am. 🙂


8. I love my son more than anything. He is so special and he deserves the best. There were many times where I couldn’t do activities with him and he has had to be in full time day care because I was having a hard time caring for him. He is doing so well and as I recover I cherish my time with him. He also is doing so well in daycare. I don’t regret that choice anymore because it has really helped his development. My love for him has kept me going.


9. Miracles do happen. Some weeks my medical treatments ran me up to $1,000 a week. That doesn’t include supplements. Every week the money came. I didn’t know how it would but it did and I relied on prayer and manifestation. I told my husband that I would pay for all of my own treatments since they were not covered by insurance. I only had to ask for some help twice. That is pretty amazing if you ask me.


10. I will never give up. I will always fight for myself. I will always be there for myself. I really love myself and I will continue to love myself doing everything possible so that I can shine mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I’m not here just to sit around. No one, nothing, not even Epstein Bar will stop me from my dreams and desires. I’m coming for you world…and I plan to shine my light so bright that I will help as many people as possible.


Thank you for reading! Praying for you always!
-Tiffany Powers