This show is all about releasing toxic relationships and letting go.
Speaker 1: (00:00)
Hello. Hello. Hello folks. Oh my goodness. We are back again on our best all American psychics, love and relationships round the table. So I want to thank you guys. If you’re a, if you’re just tuning in for the first time, I’m super excited to have you here. And um, basically what we’re doing is best American is an internet directory. We’re selling our work. We’re selling, we are celebrating our 10 year anniversary. So with that said, with the anniversary, what we’re doing is we’re offering a free kind of presentation to the public out there. And, um, we have gathered our group of experts, well, some of our experts, we couldn’t fit them all on here, but, um, we’ve gathered some of our experts together from best American psycho [inaudible]. Dot. Come to cover different relationships and key points about love and relationships. So one of those particular experts is no stranger to this screen. Um, and she certainly no stranger to, uh, helping folks out all across the world with, with overcoming the hurdles, um, either in their life and their relationships. So we’re going to go ahead and bring her onto the show here today. Tiffany Powers, welcome. We’re going to be talking about letting go today. So yay. Welcome. Welcome.
Speaker 2: (01:20)
Yeah, I see. I, this is a great topic and um, you know, this month in February it’s focused a lot on like manifesting your soul may and romance and love. But I also think that the beauty of this month could be maybe looking at things that you might need to release or you know, like with your relationship or are you even happy in your current situation or relationship and kind of going within. Um, because a lot of people stay in toxic relationships because they’re just, they’re afraid, you know, that maybe there’s so many, it’s not out there or they’re comfortable or you know, there’s just usually some kind of fear that’s going on. And then it’s like keeping them stuck in these relationships and, and, and that can be really hard when you’re in an unfulfilling relationship. It just feels almost like your gas tank is getting, you know, becoming like empty and you’re just not feeling light about it. And you might be like arguing with your partner or, um, just not feeling satisfied in different ways. And it’s so important that in your relationship that there, there’s an energy where the two people in that relationship are feeling satisfied, happy, full, and you know, energetically. And just that, you know, you’re not always going to be in love, that it had that in love feeling forever, but there still needs to be love and positive energy between two people and a, and communication.
Speaker 1: (02:42)
Yeah. And I think that’s an important thing. Um, you’re, you’re not always going to feel that in love sensation throughout, you know, I mean, some people are together 50, 60 years and it’s, you know, sometimes you look at him and you’re like, oh, how, yeah. How did they do that when they’re, they’re putting up with that person day in, day out, not just putting up, but you know, let’s face it, we all have our, our, uh, our idiosyncrasies that drive other people crazy. So, yeah. Um, so yeah, I mean, uh, this is a great topic. I’m super excited about it because, um, you know, the other segments that we’re doing, um, you know, we’re focusing on, um, you know, attraction and a cord cutting and stuff like this, but letting go is a huge, huge component of relationships because what we see a lot of times are these hanger honors. Um, and I know that’s not proper dialect, but in effect, you know, you bring baggage from an old relationship into a new relationship and then when that happens, I mean, you’re, you kind of have an uphill battle there because a, you’re punishing that person or potentially punishing them for something that they’re not even aware of. And secondly, if you’re still clinging so much to something, then chances are you can’t put good, clean energy into, into something else. So letting go, I think, isn’t it? It’s a great topic. So yes,
Speaker 2: (04:09)
I agree with you and it’s good to work on, you know, everybody has baggage, everybody has suitcases and it’s all about, you know, recognizing that you have that. And if you do, it’s okay. And then going into what that is and just doing energy work or healing work or coaching or something to just get, you know, get that out of your system because you don’t want to have that with you. Harming your relationships are sabotaging your relationships or you know, like good example of that is in the past, if you were in a relationship where your partner cheated on you and then you kind of bring that fear with you and then it’s like, even if you’re in a great relationship with someone, you’re still kind of like projecting that, oh, they’re going to cheat on you, they’re going to cheat on you. They’re going to, and then you might be insecure. You might feel scared. You know, like they, if they go out with their friends, you might feel worried about that because of your past. And it’s important to heal that because that person may not be cheating on you. They, I could be totally faithful and they could be amazing. And if you bring your luggage and you project that out, um, and the, the trauma and drama that you’ve had in your past, it could really affect and ruin a really amazing relationship with someone and it’s not fair to that other person.
Speaker 1: (05:23)
Yeah, absolutely. So let’s talk about that. Let’s talk about, uh, how do these suitcases get packed? Essentially? I mean, where do the toxic patterns originate? So,
Speaker 2: (05:34)
so when I’m working with my clients, I do a lot of work with relationship stuff. That’s what’s the most common type of coaching, healing work that I do besides business and money, Stephan intuitive stuff. But, um, I believe that these suitcases start where there’s some kind of trauma that occurs. And usually what I’ve noticed with all these clients I’ve worked with is that it’s coming from something where they’re from, they’re like their childhood or something they grew up with. So, for example, if they saw like a loveless marriage and um, maybe a parent was like a narcissist and then they’d have like trauma from that situation growing up, then it’s very, um, it’s very possible that they could recreate that over and over again so they could therefore attract narcissistic partners and mates. Um, or they saw their mom and dad, maybe the mother cheated.
Speaker 2: (06:26)
Um, and that was something they developed, like a trauma from that. Then what will happen is they will like recreate the energy constantly. Like be with someone who is like cheating on them or having affairs or things like that. So it’s, if you go back to that original suitcase or like drama, trauma thing and you can heal that, then what’s going to happen is you energetically are no longer going to draw in those other experiences that you’ve been drawing in because each person we’re WIC is meant to come in to help us to heal and end. There could be some karmic things like maybe you were karmically meant to experience that with your family and then your Karmic, we meant to have that with your mates. So, you know, there can be, there can be a, you know, a variety of things, but that’s like the most common things. So when I’m working with people, it’s like we need to go in and heal those things. And once we do all these other things can release and, um, and the suitcases or whatever
Speaker 1: (07:19)
we let go of [inaudible]. Yeah. Yeah. And that’s the biggest thing, again, our topic letting go. Um, so what would you say, I mean, are there any, and again, let me just tell everybody really quickly, uh, you know, Tiffany does this for a living. She helps people heal, so to speak and move forward to the next, to the next phase. And that includes, you know, mind, body and spirit. Um, so her link is right here in the comments. And I do encourage you guys, if you’re listening to this today and there’s something that you, you know, you’re really struggling with letting go, I highly encourage you to book a private session, um, with Tiffany and her links are going to be here. Also be sure to check the comments. Um, for, uh, there’s some, there’s some informational links that, that we’re going to be putting up here. Well actually they’re already there, uh, that I would encourage you guys to check out as well for additional information on this topic. So I just want to give some, some, uh, some info on that now. Okay. So we know we’ve got to kind of check out where the toxic patterns originate, but um, what are the red flags that you advise your clients to kind of look out for?
Speaker 2: (08:32)
So well, everybody has read slides or things that make you uncomfortable, um, make you feel anxious with a person. They might make you question things. It could be like if somebody is drinking too much or somebody like, you know, they’re secretive with their phone or you know, you notice that they’re being dishonest with you. I mean, there could be a variety of things cause all going to be different and we’re all going to react to different things. And basically if you bring up something like this in your relationship and you’re like, hey, or dating somebody in that you’re saying, hey, you know, I’m a little bit uncomfortable like with your drinking. And it seems like a lot, if that person is unwilling to accept it, unwilling to even look at it and say, Oh yeah, you’re right. And they just keep doing what they’re doing.
Speaker 2: (09:21)
That would be a huge red flag because you would end up in a situation that can be very disturbing to you or toxic to you. And I’ll, you know, with people that are intuitive or m paths, which is probably a lot of people watching this are, are very empathic for. We tend to, even if we see a red flag, we tend to think, oh, but no, you know, I’m just seeing something different. I feel that they could be, we always see the best in people, you know, as these paths and we want to think that like everybody could be an amazing person and they can be, but it’s also their choice. If they want to step into that energy and everybody wants to choose to step into that greatest self. So you know, it, it’s just being comfortable and comfortable and safe with talking about what the red flag is. And then if that person is willing to work through that with you, then they can be a great person. Um, but if they’re not, then that could be assigned that, Yikes, this is toxic. And if you continue down this road, it’s going to be a very toxic relationship for you.
Speaker 1: (10:23)
Yeah, yeah. And that happens so often. I mean, you know, a problem comes up, especially early in a relationship, um, and then it sort of like, you’re in that new new, you know, that new phase when you were like, oh, but I don’t want to be nitpicky. You know, this really bothers me, but I don’t really want to say too much about it because I don’t want them thinking that I’m a, you know, and it’s, it’s a real psychological, um, sort of, um, you know, or merry go round in essence that, that you can get caught in. So, uh, looking out for those red flags and, and confronting them, I totally agree is a, even though it’s hard, um, you know, sometimes by noticing the red flags early in a relationship and um, you know, I hate to say confronting them, but addressing them is I think a really good plan because chances are if they’re going to show you that nasty stuff very early on,
Speaker 2: (11:24)
we’re going to get way worse. And you can be hopeful and you know, I understand that like, are hopeful about, you know, everyone in my life, I always want the best for everyone, but you have to think about like what’s occurring at the present moment versus your hopes and dreams. And it just really, it comes down to loving yourself, honoring yourself and knowing that you are good enough, that you’re lovable and trusting the universe, trusting the divine you want to call it that you’ll be taken care of no matter what. And maybe it may not work out with so and so that you really like to originally, but can you, you know, are you’re trusting the universe that somebody else that may be higher and better can come in for you. Yeah.
Speaker 1: (12:08)
And um, you know, you and I were talking a little bit before the show and I know one of the points that you had brought up was I’m checking the energy of your relationship. So I think that’s a really good point. Uh, and if you could elaborate a little bit on that, that’d be [inaudible]
Speaker 2: (12:23)
fantastic. Oh yeah. Checking energy of your relationship. So what, so what I do is when I’m in a romantic relationship, I can’t close my eyes. I connect with the energy of it and I see how it’s feeling to me, to my body. Our body is a great barometer of what feels good and what doesn’t. It’s like when I connect with my partner, am I feeling uplifted and my stealing supported? Does my body feel joyful? Do I have ease? Or when I connect with the energy of my partner, my relationship driving anxiety, do I feel sad? Do I feel lonely? Like I’m not even in a relationship. Do I feel brought down or sick in my, like sick to my stomach? Like, and if your body is not having a positive reaction on to your relationship, when you meditate on it, it could mean that maybe there’s some healing needed in it or it could mean you have a red flag or there’s a lot of issues and it’s really important for you to honor yourself and listen to yourself and not doubt yourself. And if, and if you are, then it can help you so much and it can prevent so many things from happening if you just listen to what you’re feeling and what your body is telling you. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1: (13:35)
That your body, because you know, obviously, uh, things that are affecting you emotionally, spiritually, mentally, certainly play out. I mean, you, you’ve got this whole field within u of m of potential, uh, you know, explosions if you will. So, um, I know that you do this for a living. Uh, you, you know, you’re,
Speaker 2: (13:58)
you’re a health coach as well. And let’s talk a little bit about how,
Speaker 1: (14:04)
you know, negativity or a toxic relationship. And I’m not, this doesn’t have to be, you know, your boyfriend or your girlfriend or your husband or your wife. I’m talking any relationship, I mean, it could be your coworkers, your boss, your nextdoor neighbor or you know, whomever or,
Speaker 2: (14:20)
uh, how, how, you know, toxicity in a relationship can affect you physically. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. And I, and I would love to share a personal example. So for me, um, you know, I, I was in a very toxic marriage, whether it was not love and, um, abusive and just very harmful to my mind, body, Spirit. And during that period I was literally the sickest I’ve ever been in my life. Um, and also the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life, weight wise. And you know, I, I couldn’t, it was just shocking to me that I would, you know, cause I’ve been doing healing work now for about, I think it’s been like nine years, like this year. Um, so I’ve, you know, been consistently working on stuff, but to have that come up in my marriage and to be physically ill, um, and have chronic fatigue and I had Epstein Barr virus.
Speaker 2: (15:11)
Um, and what ended up happening was when I started getting into what are the core issues, where is this coming from? And it was all connected to the toxicity and negativity that I was experiencing in my loveless marriage. And when I started working through that and healing things in myself and self love and just releasing that to my body, um, you know, that was a huge part of me getting better. And when I did that, I started to get better. It was, it was fascinating. And also, you know, I have gained a lot of weight. You know, I was really, um, obese and um, I think that what I was, the energy was so dark and negative that I was literally trying to protect my body with warriors of fat because I was so sad and I was literally getting attacked verbally, constantly. And my soul is in my heart.
Speaker 2: (15:59)
So it’s like subconsciously I’m thinking, how can I protect myself? Well, let me wait. This will help me. This will keep him away from me. And um, and yeah, and again, once I decided to, um, you know, we’ll let that go, release that, release the negative energy, my body listened as well and it started just shedding the weight and releasing it. And it was, it was just amazing how those things occurred. So I definitely 100% believe that, um, if you’re in toxic relationships are parasitic relationships where people are draining you, that it can totally affect your body. Um, it can affect everything, but definitely can affect your body. And if you’re willing to look at your relationships, whether it’s a friendship or romantic relationship, whatever this is, if it’s affecting you in that way, um, it’s good to release that and heal that and go with it. And not to be scared to do that.
Speaker 1: (16:48)
Yeah. So how, how do you, I mean, if you’ve got people out there listening to this that are in that, you know, they’re in that quicksand and they’re like, oh my God, I like, I’m miserable. I’ve, I’ve done the self checking, I know this isn’t really working for me, but how, how am I going to make this change? Like, you know, I’m sure we’ve got wives out there that are financially dependent upon their husbands, you know, um, maybe they’ve got kids, maybe, I mean, what, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s, we can sit here and talk about it and it’s, it’s great to do that. But sometimes, um, it might seem to some people out there to be impossible, you know, to do it. And you, I mean, you, well, I don’t know. I don’t want to speak for where you apparent when all this happened or yes. Yeah. So I mean, here you were very much probably in that situation of, Whoa, what am I going to do? I’ve got a child of God, you know? So what advice would you give to folks out there, uh, that, that are, that are facing that,
Speaker 2: (17:47)
oh yeah. And this is this, what you’re talking about is something that I work with clients all the time and it’s women who are financially dependent on their spouse. They’re in a loveless marriage or they might feel that they have to stay together for the kids. You know, that’s a really common belief system. And, um, I respect all belief systems for sure, but there’s a lot of belief systems where if people, even though people are not happy, they still stay for the kids and they have a lot of guilt about that, or women are concerned or worried that they cannot support their children, so they’ll stay in that marriage. Um, you know, because of that or their partner may have threatened them and said, if you ever divorce me, you know, I’ll make sure that you don’t get the kids or, you know, it’s just things like that.
Speaker 2: (18:30)
And these are real things I literally talk about everyday with people. Um, and I, you know, I was in that situation, I was in that situation too. So when, so if you’re in a situation where you’re, you know, you realize you’re not happy, um, but you’re financially dependent on the person you’re with, you know that, that first part that we’re talking about. One of the things that I recommend is for my clients to do healing work and subconscious unbelief programming on money blocks that they have, fears that they have. That’s when I do my energy work with clients. And I’d go in and I worked with subconscious release, all that stuff. But another thing that anybody can do is go into meditation and just sit quietly, close your eyes and ask a question out to the universe or your guides are the divine and just say, what can I do to make money right away?
Speaker 2: (19:20)
Just ask them that question or in meditation asking what can I do to get out of my situation with grace and ease and then go into meditation. And meditation is for receiving information. So you go into meditation, you can ask these questions and you can, I literally always have paper with me. I’m a, I’m in meditation a lot during the day cause I like that. That’s how I like to receive my info. And you can ask those questions and your guides, your angels, the team of beings of light that works with you, they’ll give you ideas, you know, they’ll say, hey, you know, you might get, might go digging gang, I want this one. One of my clients today, she got up, she got a download that she’s supposed to supposed to go into real estate that before, but she was open to it. She received it and she’s like, yeah, like this is cool.
Speaker 2: (20:05)
Like this sounds amazing to me. So the team of beings of light are here to work with you and you are not alone. And that’s exactly what I did. I went into meditation and I asked that question, what can I do to make money right away? What can I do to believe my situation with grace and ease and the messages that I got were okay to, you need to go into this Quito coaching. We need to grow your intuitive healing business. You know, this is what, this is the plan. And I’ve got that direct information and then I took action steps and acted on it. And then it’s just like the universe responded and everything responded. And then within a couple of years I was, I grew my business 158.3% just in two years. Just by asking that question, well not just, but I’m going to argue with you there. You did the work to work, work. Yes. I knew a lot about myself.
Speaker 1: (20:53)
Yeah. Because the whole thing is, is you know, um, we get these people and you know, I’ve done, I’ve done radio for years. We’ve had, we have people call in, they do free, they asked for, you know, free advice. They write us all the time on best market psychics and say, well, when am I going to get this? Or how am I going to get this to her hot? And, and it’s like, look, we can give you a guideline, but if you’re not willing, I mean, listen, you know, prince charming chances are not, is not going to come knock on your door. And I mean, you, you do have to sort of put yourself out there too and do the work on your own, which I know you’ve done a tremendous amount of work. So, uh, I do want to add a little caveat to all of our discussions here on the round table guys is, you know, uh, these professionals are here to give you the, the sort of, um, you know, map if you will, but you ultimately have to get in that car and drive it. I mean, it’s [inaudible] you’ve gotta be willing to put the work in. So, yeah,
Speaker 2: (21:54)
I love it. Yeah. I want to say that. Yes. I, I believe that the, you know, getting to a space where you’re successful with love and relationships and everything else in your life, I’m hiring a mentor is really important. And somebody that can, has done the work, understands it and can identify things with you can be honest with you, can, you know, you trust them, they trust you. It’s a great relationship. Um, and they can help you to get the next level. And I’ve always had mentors and people that helped me for various things, whether it’s love or business or things like that. And it, I believe that it helps things kind of go faster instead of you trying to do everything by yourself and figure it out or I’ll just do it. You know, that might take a long time, but if you hire a mentor that understands and knows like, okay, I am identifying this block with you. Let’s just do some energy work. Let’s clear this, let’s talk about it. Let’s, you know, get through this. You can actually work with these a lot faster and you won’t be stuck in your rough for like years. Maybe it’s six months instead of like four years, if that makes sense.
Speaker 1: (22:51)
Oh, total sense. I mean, look at every accomplished, you know, it doesn’t matter. I mean, sports people have coaches, musicians, voice coaches. I mean everybody, even if you have the natural ability, having a coach is proven millions of times over in, in this world to accelerate. You know, there’s, there’s people that are in the Olympics, they didn’t do it without coaches. The people that are, I mean, and it doesn’t even have to be as big as the Olympics, but just, you know, the, the simplest of things. Um, I mean, God, you know, training a dog, why do we all take our dogs to dog training classes? Because even though I can take my dog to sit, there’s other things that you know, that, that you can learn even from others. So it’s, it’s, yeah, it’s, it’s a, um, it’s a very good point in, it makes a tremendous amount of sense. And again, folks, uh, Tiffany do all of this,
Speaker 2: (23:46)
so if you’re, if you’ve got your hand up out there and you’re looking for help, click on her link and, and just just today say yes, start that process because, um, you know, you’re not going to get anywhere what you could, but it’d be a lot easier if you do have some help with that. So, um, so Tiffany, okay. We’ve kind of talked a little bit about, um, you know, the, the,
Speaker 1: (24:12)
the letting go portion of it. We’ve talked about the toxic patterns and where they kind of start up in our lives. I’m looking out for red flags. We’ve talked about doing a real honest
Speaker 2: (24:24)
check in with the energy of your relationship, which I think is super important. Um, because you know, instead of just living day in, day out, day in, day out like, oh La la and almost living with sod, you really do have to sit down with yourself in quiet time and say, you know, where the heck am I doing here? Like, like take a look at it, you know, um, at, now let’s talk about, I mean it’s, we’ve been talking,
Speaker 1: (24:51)
I heard a lot about how low someone else or how to, um, you know, let go of someone else, but let’s take it back to us. Um, what about ourselves? What about that relationship with ourselves? How to love ourselves, um, even how to let part of ourselves go if, if, if necessary.
Speaker 2: (25:09)
Oh yeah, absolutely. That’s great. So living are when you love yourself, you have healthy boundaries. You, uh, you have a life where you’re happy because you feel good about you and having the energy of love in your body. It’s just such a, you know, high vibrational energy. And you can, you know, if you’re in a room and there’s somebody that’s not confident or feels bad about themselves versus the person that loves themselves, it’s confident. It’s just such a difference. And the person that loves themselves, it’s going to be more vibrant and more confident in just way, way different. And again, it would be if you are that person that’s not competent, not loving yourself, um, it would be going back and identifying why you don’t, you know, what, what is the situation that may have occurred that made you just decide that you couldn’t love yourself?
Speaker 2: (25:58)
Was it that you got abused by someone? Was it that you felt like you failed something? Was it feel like, did you feel like you let somebody down? There’s always one reason why there’s a core thing. There’s like tons of little things, but there’s always that core thing of why. And it could be any of those things that I mentioned just now. Um, and if you could figure out what that is again and just doing energy work, healing work, coaching, releasing, whatever that core thing is, and then literally reprogramming yourself to um, to love. And it could be literally where you, like I do meditations with myself where I’ll just sit there and I closed my eyes and I just send unconditional love to every cell in my body to all my shock rose. And I just send this pink light to myself. And that’s one of the things I like to do for self love.
Speaker 2: (26:45)
Um, the other thing is, is that if I’m being critical or hard on myself, I will let that go because it’s not good to like if you’re being critical and hard on yourself, you’re literally sending yourself psychic attacks. And also if you’re judging yourself, like if you’re, if you’re like, oh, you know, you’re not good enough or you suck at this, or whatever, it’s literally sending yourself psychic attacks like boom, boom, boom. You know, it doesn’t, it doesn’t raise your energy out. You know, it’s, it’s definitely something that’s bringing you down. So working to eliminate those things and being aware of things with yourself but not where you’re like beat yourself up or you know, attacking yourself. Um, and you know, being positive to yourself. Affirmations are really good. I am beautiful. I am kind, I am a good person. I honor myself, you know, however you want to do these affirmations and um, and one of the things that I like to do is I like to download affirmations into my body.
Speaker 2: (27:42)
So what that means is a download is kind of like, that’s kind of the healing work that I do. But basically it’s, it’s just like a computer, like downloading a program into a computer. But it would basically be where you’re setting an intention that an affirmation that you’re saying I am beautiful, for example, is being put into your body on every level and into your subconscious. And it’s just literally going through your body. And if you, basically what will happen is even if you don’t think you’re beautiful, if you save enough setting intentions being downloaded, it will become a part of you. And maybe a week later you’re like, I do feel beautiful or I do as I’m a good person and it will become part of your body and your psyche. And yeah, and it’s true because that mantra that we tell ourselves, even if it’s subconsciously on a regular base has, can have, just like we were talking about before, it can have an effect on everything, you know, mind, body, Spirit, um, your outward perception of life.
Speaker 2: (28:38)
You know, we’ve all, we all know those ears out there who, oh, everything’s around you to or, you know, they’ll see the negativity in every situation. I mean, you could, it could be birds chirping, blue skies, Snow White’s out there singing and whistling and they’re like, ah, you know, they, they fund some negative side thing to say about every everything and that. Yeah. I mean, I think if a lot of people out there actually listened to themselves or had a reflection of what they say, how they say how they act and had to, to visualize that, it would be really shocking to them. I’m a, you know, um, and you see it every day. I mean in the grocery store and like just people are, some people are amazingly warm and friendly and just, you know, you just want to hug them and then other people are like, oh, they weren’t mining and energy.
Speaker 2: (29:37)
That’s kind of heavy. Yeah. And just, and if you have a negative, we all have negative thoughts and critical thoughts, but I encourage you to like, I like to say cancel, cancel, cancel, or I’ll just say, no, I’m not having that in my reality now I’m choosing something different, you know, and just being mindful of what you’re thinking and um, and yeah, you could even, if you want to see like how you are thinking about yourself, you can have, you could put like a jar in your house or a glass or something and you could put a piece of paper in there every time that you’re thinking something positive about yourself. Like if you have a day where your home and you can visit or is it pretty low and you could have another one for negative thoughts and just you could see where you’re at.
Speaker 2: (30:13)
Just something by doing that and just being mindful of, you know, what you’re thinking about yourself or you’ve been saying [inaudible] yeah. And you know, I think for a lot of people too, it’s, um, not something that you do on a, a conscious, like I can honestly say throughout my day, um, I don’t, I mean I’m so focused on everything else, like, you know, the tasks that need to be done, the, the, this, the, that, you know, I’m not, I don’t, I don’t probably, uh, go into a quiet space and think about what, what am I thinking? What am I wanting? What are my, you know, I don’t even really do that. That one, let me, not, unless I’m like hungry or something. And I’m like, oh, I got to find some food real quick and then I’m kind of shovel it down. But I don’t, I mean, I can honestly sit here and say, like, I was listening to you talk and I’m like, I don’t even sit there and like think things about myself.
Speaker 2: (31:09)
But as a general rule, I mean I’m, so, I’ve got so many other things going on and, and you know, that’s a really good point is, is that self reflection, um, and remembering the checkin. So I’m glad you said that because you know, that’s something I can totally work on. Cause you know, I’m sure I need to, self love is nurturing yourself, your mind, body and soul. That’s another part of it. And um, and yeah, every, for me it’s something that really helps me a lot is every morning I do like a little meditation. Um, it doesn’t have to be that all or anything like that. It could just be like music or just sitting in silence. I like to do with my coffee and I just do my meditation and I just check in and I’m like, okay, what’s going on with you? You know, what would bring you joy today?
Speaker 2: (31:55)
What would, what would make you feel good today? You know? Or things like that. Or I might eat a meditate about, okay, you’ve got these clients, is there any information that’s coming in to help these people? So it’ll be a little bit about me and then it’ll be a little bit about other people and it’s, it’s really effective and helpful. And you just want to make sure, like, yeah, we’re all busy, but don’t want to forget about yourself are important. And, um, and yeah, and you deserve that time for you. Yeah. Now with, okay, so with the self reflection, okay. So I’m just creating a scenario here in my mind. If you’re, again, if you’re in a relationship and you know, let’s say it, it may be isn’t the most positive of or have relationships and you’ve, you’re, you’re checking in with yourself, you’re figuring this out.
Speaker 2: (32:42)
Um, what are the, I guess guidelines or guidelines isn’t the, what are the boundaries for how much you’re checking into someone else? Like the person that you’re with. Um, you know, you can voice what you would, what you need to say. You can voice how you feel. Um, but at what point should you just sort of back off and say, hey, you know, I, there’s nothing more I can do about that. You know, in other words, there’s, there’s all that we all have to get to a point. If we’re in a, in a negative relationship and we see that it is not going anywhere, that we have to sort of say Doa, you know, call it. So, um, what is your advice on, on that? Because you know, there is another school of thought here where it’s like, okay, work it out, stated it, you know, so it’s this, it’s this balance of when to let go and when the staff keep them hanging on, you know, and just, uh, yeah, the way that I work with people too, it’s, it’s, you know, I believe that if, you know, you’ve addressed something multiple times that whenever that thing that has been addressed is not improving.
Speaker 2: (33:57)
For example, cheating is a really big one that I work with people on and their husbands or wives having affairs. Um, so, you know, it’s like, okay, let’s just say that you’ve addressed cheating with your mate, but they continue to cheat over and over again. You’re found more stuff in their fallen. You’ve talked to about it like six or seven times. It’s not getting better. Um, they might work. You might have said, hey, do you mind if we work with a marital counselor or a coach or healer? Um, and they’re like, no, I don’t want to do it. So, you know, that would be a situation where it’s like, oh, you know, that’s very toxic. That person is not, you know, working with you. They’re, they’re basically very, um, self absorbed and they only really care about themselves and their own needs and they’re not caring about you.
Speaker 2: (34:39)
So that would be, you know, a definitely a situation or like addiction issues and you know, things like that. Um, if you’ve given someone all these different opportunities, if you’ve said, hey, this is a good person, you could talk to you if you said, this makes me uncomfortable. I don’t feel safety when you do this. And they continue to do that, then they’re not, I mean, they’re just not respecting you and they’re not, they’re not loving you. I mean, it’s, it’s not love. I mean, if somebody unconditionally loves you, they’re going to want to make you feel safe, comfortable, nurtured, and they’re going to ask you, hey, you know, is there anything I can do for you? You know, and they’re going to care about your needs and be there for you. And a lot of us healer people end up in relationships where we’re healing people and relationships where, you know, to be in that space, you have to acknowledge that they’re not choosing that and you have to really have to do what’s best for you at that point. Yeah. And that is one of
Speaker 1: (35:38)
the hardest steps I think for people to take, particularly if you’ve been in a, you know, I mean a long term thing and then you’re just sort of like, oh my gosh, like this is my whole life, you know, we’re so entangled and entwined and how do you kind of pull that apart without the mess? So, um, yeah, I mean it’s, uh, and there are, I mean, like you’ve been talking about here, there’s so many steps and phases to this. It’s not like it’s, it’s all gonna just instantaneously, you know, happen at once. But I think the, um, you know, I like the questions that you ask the uh, you know, the, the, the self affirming questions that you ask. And in particularly if you direct those at someone else and say, Hey, you know, uh, this is how I’m feeling. You, I mean, instead of yelling and screaming about it and everything, I, I do think keeping the lines of communication open is, uh, is critically important. I mean, in any relationship. Um, but there is a point where sometimes just for your own health and wellbeing, you know, it is best to just
Speaker 2: (36:52)
that Red Sea, you know, people that are very sensitive, highly sensitive people are intuitive, people are healers are empathic people. Um, you know, we definitely need partners that are really, you know, we’re always kind of shifting to other levels and we need someone that’s going to grow and shift with us energetically. Yeah. Yeah. Evolved person, but an evolving person. They’re constantly growing and evolving. You know, I love change. So it’s like, for me, it’s like I need to be with someone that will be okay with that shift and that energy and to rise up with me. And a lot, a lot of um, killer people need that too. Or intuitive people are, I’m pass because if not, it’s like you’re just walking around with this dead weight. I’m walking with this huge dead weight and the Albatross around your neck. I mean it keeps fucking yet.
Speaker 2: (37:45)
Yeah, it is. Yeah. So I agree. It is really hard. It is hard when you’re in that situation and you talked about identity and I really believe that it is. So something I work on all the time with people, it is so crucial for all of us to have our own identity. Even if we’re in a relationship, you’d still need to maintain who you are in your identity. And one of the things is that people is, um, tend to get lost and like looser identity, interrelationship relationship. And then when the relationship ends, it’s like total trauma. Just they’ve lost everything. They don’t know who they are anymore. But you still, it’s important to know who you are and that’s for the self love comes in working on yourself. What do I like to do? What do I enjoy? Who am I? What is my life purpose? And you know, why am I sure on this planet? And just, you know, working on that had maintaining your own set of friends, maintaining, um, things that you enjoy, activities, um, whatever that is, but you never want to lose your sense of self or your identity in another person. Um, because it like if that relationship didn’t work out, it could definitely be devastating to you. And my clients that have their own identities are way happier in their relationships versus my clients that don’t.
Speaker 1: (39:04)
Sure. That makes total sense. Because, um, you know, we were talking about this whole another show. Um, I think, uh, I was with Kathy, Kathy, Bill, it was basically you’ve got to, you know, you’ve got to build the foundation before you can build anything else. [inaudible] you know, if you’re not happy with yourself and you’re not,
Speaker 3: (39:25)
oh, okay.
Speaker 1: (39:27)
Yeah. Not going too far. That one. So, um, well let’s move back a little bit of what you said about, uh, the people that are caretakers and they are, you know, perhaps intuitives are empass him. I agree with you. I think we’re probably going to get a lot of those types of folks, uh, watching here with us right now. Um, you know, I find with, with, with caretakers, um, saying no to things that, that maybe aren’t right for you, but, but you’re trying to be that, that people pleaser in that caretaker and that one who is always there to answer, you know, everybody’s needs and everybody’s wants and keep the peace and keep everybody happy and juggle all these hats. Um, so you know, for those moments where those people need to kind of take their power back and say, you know what, no, I’m not. I’m, that’s it. I’m not doing this. You take care of yourself. You make your own dinner, you do your own, you know, whatever, you figure it out. You’re a grownup. Um, you know, let’s talk a little bit about that because I know that that is a real struggle for some. Uh, and we’ve all seen it and we’ve probably been guilty of it ourselves. So I’m guilty. You caught me. Yeah. Well, ditto. Uh, saying no to what isn’t right for you. So let’s, let’s chat about that a little bit.
Speaker 2: (40:48)
Yes. So, yeah, and you know, definitely I’m having boundaries and saying no, it’s challenging for people that are empathic, intuitive healer people. Um, because we’re so full of love, we’re so full of light. We just want to share, you know, we enjoy being helpful and we enjoy doing things. Um, and we enjoy like filling our partners, we enjoy helping our families, we enjoy all of that. Like it’s just something that our hearts love and we just resonate with that. But if you feel like you’re sacrificing yourself or your own wants dreams, desires, I mean, that is totally not good or healthy. And, um, a recommendation. When I work with a lot of families, like when I’m doing like this kind of like relationship or you know, husband and wife staff. But what I recommend to my clients is that they don’t work on their husband.
Speaker 2: (41:42)
They don’t coach their husband. They don’t, you know, they don’t do the like, and maybe there are a healer but they’re not doing healing work on their husband. I feel like if you have like a boundary with that and you’re like big love Ya, but you know I’m not going to work on you. Like when I’m in relationships I will just send that people like with to someone that I trust and I’ll let them have their own sacred space with that person. And it’s like I’m still nurturing and caring for them. But I’m having that boundary where I’m not personally taking that on because that’s what a lot of us do. We, we tend to like take on other people’s issues, problems, situations, their stuff like it’s ours, but it’s, but when we do that, we’re actually disempowering the other person. If we let them take on their own stuff, we’re, we’re saying, hey, you know, I believe in you that you are powerful enough, smart enough to do this yourself and I, and if you let somebody do that and they grow, then they’re going to really step into their power.
Speaker 2: (42:39)
So sometimes care caregiving thing can actually be disempowering for the other person. Exactly. Exactly. Because you’re not really, you know, if you constantly drive the car, they’re never going to learn how to drive. It’s, it’s Kinda, you know, it’s like, Hey, I’m not your show for here’s the keys. I’ve shown you what I can, you know, good luck. So, um, and if they crashed the car, I mean, you know, is it, it’s a really hard, I mean that, that letting go, especially if you are a caretaker type, um, and you feel responsible for those around you. Um, you know, setting those boundaries and saying no is a, it’s a very, very, very difficult thing to do. But that’s why I was asking you before, like when you’re checking in, how much should you sort of check in on the other person? Because just like what you were saying, you almost, you’ve got to set a mental boundary with yourself.
Speaker 2: (43:39)
They’re like, Hey, I am not responsible for fixing them. I’m not responsible for their life. I’m not responsible for, I mean, you know, if you’re in a partnership to a degree, yeah. But not whole, you know, whole heartedly. So I’m in that role and I would say that this gets, comes up a lot, especially for me because I’m like the caregiver, the nurturer. I’ve always tried, you know, and I made a rule, I’m like, nope, if I, my partners have to work with somebody else, I’m not doing healing work on them. Um, but what I do is, so I still, I like to check in Austin or if I feel that things are funky on, definitely checking in. Um, but I will, I might mention to them and say, you know, this is a little bit funkier. It’s making me uncomfortable. You might want to talk to talk with or talk about this with your whatever. Coacher cause as you know, intuitives are healers are empathic people. We kind of know what everyone needs to work on in a way. Like we can kind of sense, you know, what people’s blocks on some level we can kind of see it or feel it. A lot of us can. So that’s, that’s just kind of how I’ve handled it or dealt with it. Um, cause yeah, you don’t want to be like also driving somewhat insane. Like, you know, like you need to work on this, you need that meg.
Speaker 2: (45:02)
And um, and I just, I believe also that when you’re healing yourself that you’re healing your mate as well. So everyone that you work on yourself energetically that they will as well. Even without being at, maybe you, they weren’t in a yelling session. Maybe they were around, maybe they were in the coaching session. But you know, I like to set an intention whenever I work on myself that my partner is healing and I just set that intention and there will be times when maybe there was the issue that came up and I have just set that intention and the issue goes away after I did mine and worked on myself. So it’s, it’s pretty interesting, but a lot can be done with intention as well. Yeah. Yeah. And, um, I think this ties into red flag too because you know, I mean just logically thinking this through, if you are doing the healing work on yourself and the natural uh, thought process behind that would be that, that hopefully your, your partner, um, would be able to gain some healing from that as well.
Speaker 2: (46:04)
But if they go the opposite direction and become actually worse, uh, or, or antagonistic or, oh you think you’re so good cause you’re, you know, like whatever, you know that that’s a huge red flag to that. Um, you know, they’re actually criticizing you for doing the work. So that, that’s something I think that people need to really be aware of too. You know? Yeah. You’re the person you’re with should want you to be your best self and accept you as you are all parts of you. The good, the bad, the ugly, but also just hold space and support for you to be your best self. And cause a lot of times, a lot of times in your job killing work or coaching people step into them their best selves, it’s pretty phenomenal to watch. And sometimes there is a reaction that is not positive from their mates or the people around them and they’re, what’s happening is the people around them are feeling triggered and insecure and it’s freeing up stuff for themselves.
Speaker 2: (47:08)
Like they, you know, it’s like, oh my God, you know, this person is stepping into like, she’s stepping into our highest selves. Um, you know, I’m now I’m feeling less than I’m feeling unworthy. So they’ll, they might lash out at you because you’re feeling triggered by you or they might feel like I’m, you know, they’re unworthy of you are feel very insecure, but it’s important to not take that. If you feel really good about what you’re doing, if you enjoy being in your best self and teach, enjoy being in your power, if you are happy, you know, those are really important things and it’s important to, and also not let your partner or take that away from you ever. Um, someone who loves you. It’s going to love you like that and they’re going to embrace you and not feel scared, intimidated or sad built. They’ll be like, wow, you know, I love this. Within him or her.
Speaker 1: (47:55)
Yeah. Or Jealous. Jealousy is a big one too.
Speaker 2: (47:58)
Yeah. Jealousy. That’s, thank you. Yes. With, yeah. Somebody, if your partner’s shells of you, it’s probably not a very healthy thing.
Speaker 1: (48:05)
Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Um, so I mean, you know, a lot, uh, there’s a, there’s a lot to, to the letting go. Um, we’ve got about, let’s see, I think about 12 minutes left in this, in this particular segment. Um, and just to recap out there to folks that are listening, we’ve been talking about letting go. If you’re in a toxic relationship and you, you know, that you need to take the steps, um, just a quick review, you know, where did the toxic patterns originate? What are the red flags? You got to check into the relationship. I mean, the energy that is surrounding your relationship, learn how to love yourself because you’ve got to kind of reacquaint there. Um, because if you don’t love yourself, chances are you’re not really going to be able to love somebody else very well. And then of course, saying no to what is not right for you, which is a very difficult step.
Speaker 1: (49:00)
Um, now with the remaining time that we have left Tiffany, I would like to ask you, what does it look like? Like when a client comes to you and let’s say they’re in this, um, you know, in one of these states where they know they’ve got to kind of make some major changes, um, maybe they’re not feeling good about themselves physically or emotionally or all of the above. Um, what, what is, I know you’ve touched on kind of what you do and your sessions and everything, but let’s just say clean slate. Somebody calls you up or go through your, your website and says, okay, I need help. So what is, what does that look like sort of from, from soup to nuts? Like how do you, how do you take them through that?
Speaker 2: (49:42)
Yeah, so for me, I believe and very nurturing, loving work, but very honest, were supportive because I believe that when people feel loved and nurtured, that they’re being listened to and support it as well, that they’re going to make the most changes and the coin and make those changes quickly. Cause I, I like to help people to not be stuck in those ruts four years. It’s like, okay, are you comfortable with changing some of this stuff pretty fast? And they’re like, okay, yeah, why not, you know. So we just basically I will meet with them, I will talk to them, I’ll, I’ll ask them you know, what they want to work on or what, you know, what the topic might be. And if it’s something like this, like a relationship issue. I like to work with people over time and a lot of my clients I work with, it’s on a weekly basis.
Speaker 2: (50:31)
So we were allotted like an hour, a week or 90 minutes and then we’ll work on certain things. Or I will kind of work on these topics like in group classes that I teach because I do like group, I, I’m actually teaching us all my class right now where we’re working in energy blocks of love. So I like, you know, address it as a group or one on one. And what I do is I let them, like share their history, we talk about things, and then I will use my intuition and intuitively tap in and just see, kind of read their patterns. Um, kind of read your energy and see like where this originally came from, what the blocks are. Um, I will write these down and do a lot of automatic writing, um, and as I, and then I’ll get more information on the person, the situation, and then I just start doing the belief, reprogramming work with them.
Speaker 2: (51:17)
Um, you know, releasing fears, releasing where this came from, going back to the original source of trauma so that it’s past life stuff. So we do past life. Sometimes it’s, you know, family stuff. We do that. Sometimes it’s just like, you know, we just kind of go wherever it needs to go and I’m very guided by intuition. And then I get real practical steps on, okay, you know, we worked on this today. Your action step is to meditate and send yourself love, you know, every single day for a week, you know, or, um, you know, we did this today, but your action step is I want you to meditate as, you know, what is my life purpose? What am I meant to do to your, how can I make money right away? So I’ll just basically do intuitive work, healing work, and then I will happen to do something action related and get them moving.
Speaker 2: (52:04)
And you know, that you just want to keep your energy moving. If you’re stuck, do something to move out of that, whatever that might be. Um, but that’s just how I work with clients. And I usually do things, like I said, over time, because you can’t, if somebody comes with all this stuff in a relationship, you can do a lot in like an hour or 90 minutes, but it’s not gonna get you, you know, you need consistent work. And then once you’re done with your work, you’re done with your work and you’re good. You know? And, and I, I really believe that it’s the, the work, the healing work. And the coaching where I believe that it’s every time that you do that, it’s really in initiation to a higher vibrational level. So each time you do that, you’re going up higher and higher and higher. And as you get into that space, we’re getting in his face of unconditional love. We’re getting in that really high, high energy. So it’s all about me working with clients to get them into that space where they’re feeling happy in their lives, more joyful that they have a mate that they really adore, that it’s a very healthy relationship. And that’s how I learned to approach things with my clients. [inaudible] yeah. So basically, yeah, I mean that’s a comprehensive, um, yes, you know, sort of a journey for them because, uh, yeah, I think
Speaker 2: (53:21)
with, okay, with people that have never sort of experienced maybe the
Speaker 1: (53:26)
more, um, you know, metaphysical or esoteric, uh, work before that, that might be listening to this. Do you, do you give them tips and stuff on like, it’s going to sound ridiculous, but even how to meditate, like, you know, and teach them. Yeah, yeah,
Speaker 2: (53:45)
yeah. I teach them everything. And I love the Newbie newbies. Like, you know, as long as somebody is, you know, as long as anybody who’s open, I could work with them at the openness is the biggest thing. If somebody’s not open, it probably won’t work for them because they’re shutdown energetically and they won’t accept it. But if they’ve never done it, but they’re curious and they’re open and they have no idea what energy work is, it’s actually really fun because they’re like, oh, I’m feeling this, or Oh my God, my life totally changed. I met my soulmate and, and you know that it’s just, it’s so amazing because it actually helps them to become more spiritual and then they’re like, holy crap, this is cool. You know? So it’s a really cool thing. But yeah, as long as somebody is open. But yeah, I can teach people, like, I like to teach people how to meditate, how to connect. I will start my sessions with meditation every single session.
Speaker 1: (54:33)
Yeah. That’s good. That’s good. Because I think, um, you know, some people out there listening to this might might be saying, hey, she’s checking off every box in my life. I’ve never done this before. I don’t know. It’s Kinda weird. It’s Kinda, I don’t know if I can do so I guess, I mean, my, my point in all this, um, guys, ladies, if you’re out there listening to this and you are resonating with what’s being said here and you’re considering taking the next step and, and you know, taking that step forward, don’t be afraid that you can’t do it. You know, don’t be held back or limit yourself by thinking, oh, that’s not for me or, or whatever. Because, um, you know, Tiffany can work with literally everybody out there, like, like she said, as long as you’re open to it. And, um, you know, I actually think that this topic, Tiffany is, uh, you know, throughout the round table we’ve had many different viewpoints and approaches to loving relationships.
Speaker 1: (55:37)
We’re covering many different topics. Um, but I really think that this is, is one of the harder ones. Um, you know, just the, you know, everybody gets all excited about, Ooh, new love, new love knew that. But it’s, it’s, it’s the ones that you’ve been, you know, slaving at for, for years or, or whatever that, and then you’ve got to sort of break that off. That’s a, that’s a very, very daunting task. Um, you know, especially like we said, if there are kids involved or families or stuff like that, it’s, it’s, it’s tremendously hard folks. So I guess what we’re trying to say here is if you need to reach back out and you need help, don’t feel like you’re less of a person or anything for that because honestly you’re doing yourself and if you have kids and your family, you’re probably doing them a favor by reaching out and saying, Hey, I could use a little, yeah, a little extra here.
Speaker 1: (56:32)
So, um, yeah. So anyhoo Tiffany would, you got a few minutes left? I’m, we’ve got about four minutes or so. Is there anything that maybe we didn’t get a chance to cover? And remember guys, we’re going to have a live question and answer, um, for the audience. So you can ask your questions to Tiffany, but just really quickly, is there anything that maybe we didn’t hit on today that, um, that you would like to, to impart to those listening? Or even if we didn’t miss anything? Is there anything else you want to, yeah, yeah, I’d like to say that too.
Speaker 2: (57:05)
Just to not be afraid to ask for help. Yeah. Like you’re in a situation or a relationship or marriage where you’re not happy. Um, don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends, from family members. Don’t be afraid to hire like a coach or a mentor or a healer to help you. Um, if you, you know, sometimes that’s the first step is just like letting somebody else know what’s going on, reaching out and don’t feel embarrassed, don’t feel ashamed. You know, you, you don’t want to judge yourself in a negative way. Um, it’s possible for any situation to get better or to get out of a bad situation and anything is possible. So just, you know, don’t beat yourself up if you’re there. I’ve been there and I know, and I judged myself so harshly, but then I just, I had to forgive myself and, and a and know that it was okay for me to reach out and get a mentor or help.
Speaker 1: (57:55)
Yeah, absolutely. Very, very well said. And I um, I think that’s a great way to kind of wrap this right now. But again, folks, um, don’t forget we are doing the live Q and a so I know that there’s going to be some of you out there have questions for Tiffany. Um, you can join us at two 15. That’s eastern time, e s t a two 15 eastern time for the live Q and. A. So be sure that you jumped back with us for that. Um, we will be here. Uh, Tiffany’s gonna once again, uh, donate her time and um, yeah, we’ll, we’ll try and answer as many questions as we can within the, within the allotted time. So, ah, Gosh. So yeah, that’s, we’re going to go ahead and wrap for right now. I’m still watch to do so. Tiffany, thank you so much for, um, for sharing with us this hour. About letting go and talk to your relationships and such, and given us the tips that, um, you know, and, and really, uh, a great roadmap, I think, to, to being able to, to move forward, um, for, for the folks out there that they may need it. So thank you so much. And uh, yeah, we’ll see you really soon on the Q and. A, so thank you. All right, take care. We’ll see you guys soon. Bye. Bye now.
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